Hello I would like the ability to be able to create my own URL: filters. Currently the only way to filter on URLs is to use the UI to set the filter. If I want to work on a collection of URLS then I could specify the root URL to filter on all URLs below that one. eg. I want to show results for ‘Url: /products/100g’ and ‘Url: /products/200g’ at the same time. This is not possible with the current UI. I would like to be able to specify a filter of ‘Url: /products/‘ so that I can work with results from ‘Url: /products/100g’ and ‘Url: /products/200g’ at the same time
Hello, actually when you have many common level 1 slug like /products in /products/100g and /products/200g this create a directory in the URL list. Then you can filter multiple URLs with the crtl or cmd shortcut.
Hi Florian, thanks, I missed that, it’s rather small in the UI but agreed it is there. I think it would be better (esp. for larger sites) and more intuitive if you could impliment a URL search function that works the same way the content filtering works.
There is also a search in the URL list, that is text based, by what other information would you filter it?
Hi Florian, thanks for the info, so this is a lot better than I realised but here is what I’m thinking I would like to be able to define a filter on a url just like the UI does. In the attached the UI is showing me that it’s possible but as a user I cannot create one by typing ‘Url:’ and some serach text into the search bar. In my oppinion it would make the UI more intuitive and also searching on URLs would be faster if that were possible.
Ok I understand what you mean, this is taken into account ! (Ps: My name is Floran)
Thanks Floran thats woderful news… My appologies on your name, probably multiple times…