There the possibility to add custiom CSS in Weglot for hiding bloks or specific content in specific langauges. For Example: I dont wont to show a link in the menu of english version, but only in the Italian or French language, or I wont to publish an embed form only in the English version and not in the other one.
I discovered this command with the support of Weglot, but It thik:
Here is what I do atm.
/ hide and show element based on language /
html[lang=”fr”] .hidden-fr display: none;
html[lang=”en”] .hidden-en display: none;
thanks a lot for the idea 💡 I applied a little different and for multiple porpouses
html:lang(en) .hidden-en display: none;
html:lang(fr) .hidden-fr display: none;
Other uses:
Example I need all elements of a div on a line in english but on multiple lines on french because french use more space I write:
html:lang(en) .my-class display: flex;
.my-class justify-content: space-between;
align-self: center;
Where do you apply this? In the element css?